Explore Kim's credentials & influences

As I was growing up in the United States public school system in the 70s, my teachers repeatedly informed me, “You’re not living up to your potential.” They saw me as a student who should be getting straight As, and they wanted me to improve my "bad" attitude. I ignored them. Later in life their internalized comments became intriguing and contributed to my interest in personal growth and human potential.
Today I define human potential as “any persistent desire to be more exquisitely you.” I don’t see it as some goal to strive to live up to, but as an unfolding journey to relax into. Become is an invitation to do just that.
I use the Presence Based Coaching Model.
Presence Based Coaching was founded by thought leader Doug Silsbee who defines presence as "the most resourceful, ready, resilient inner state available to all of us at every moment." The Presence Based Coaching model is developmental, meaning it allows the client to grow "into her potential, becoming increasingly intentional and proactive about what she wants to achieve and who she wants to be.” To support such "accelerated individual development," Presence Based Coaching offers a profound synthesis of the following fields:
mindfulness: the capacity to be "exquisitely responsive" to the present moment
somatic awareness: engaging the body to reveal truth and create lasting change
leadership training: the cultivation of accountability, resourcefulness, resilience, and authenticity - traits that can allow you to lead your best life
I've completed two broad master's degree programs that reflect my interest in human evolution & human potential.
In 2015, I completed the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, California. This extraordinary program ”is dedicated to profound, progressive transformation of social institutions and individual consciousness...."
I also completed an earlier master's program in Human Performance in the 1980s. This program was offered at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. It allowed me to study both psychology and physiology and provided me with a balanced base for my subsequent studies.
I have 18 years of experience with transformational inquiry.
Prior to my discovery of life coaching, I devoted 18 years of my personal and professional life to a verbal inquiry method. This method allowed my clients to free themselves from limiting beliefs and consciously reclaim their natural way of being in the world. The tracking of beliefs often led my clients back through generational lines or soul lines to provide deep contextualization and liberation from behavioral patterns that previously seemed illogical.
This experience allowed me to discover and develop a deep empathic skill, for I found I could go on my client's journey with them to a useful degree. Over the years, I experienced so many different human conditions by merging with trusting individuals, I gained a diverse, felt appreciation of humanity's long history of suffering and resilience. Though I've shifted my interest to coaching, this prior experience allows me to create a coaching container full of radical non-judgment, deep compassion, and positive regard.
My personal journey led me to discover many inspiring teachers.
In my late twenties I answered a call to go West, moving from Chapel Hill, North Carolina to San Francisco, California. This impetus led me on a twenty-four-year adventure in the cultural sanctuary of the Bay Area where my curiosity and personal journey led me to discover many extraordinary teachers. I'd like to express my appreciation for a few who touched my heart and still influence me to this day by quoting them below.
To close, I'll add that I returned to North Carolina in 2014 where I see clients via Zoom or at my co-working space at Nest Raleigh. I'd love to serve you! Treat yourself to your complimentary Clarity Call today!
Every experience I've had in my life is a resource in my body.
- Anna Halprin, dance revolutionary and founder of the Tamalpa Institute
Mother Earth is our church, and at any given time, as far as we can see is our altar.
- Fred Wahpepah, Kickapoo/Sac-and-Fox elder & founder of the Seven Circles Foundation
To find our center, we have to explore our outer edges.
- Gabrielle Roth, dance shaman & creator of the Five Rhythms Movement Intensive